Please click here to download our current Environmental Policy (PDF format)
We pride ourselves on being ambassadors for environmental protection and sustainability and therefore our commitment to the environment is continuous and an ever evolving concern. It is imperative that we follow current E.U legislation and in doing so we work within the parameters of several key pieces of legislation including:
• Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981)
• Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000)
• Town and Country Planning Act (1997)
• Forestry Act (1967)
We operate, where possible, a policy of sustainable forestry and aim to exceed minimum standards stipulated within the above bodies of legislation. We aim to conserve energy, water, wood, paper and any other possible resources. We aim to minimise risk of pollution and where reasonably practicable use products which are less hazardous and more sympathetic to the environment. Where this is not possible strict procedures and best practices are followed. As stipulated within the wildlife and countryside act no nesting birds or their eggs are to be destroyed, removed or disturbed by our activities.
This also applies to bats and their roosts, and particular flora and fauna that are stipulated within the act. All sites are inspected prior to works commencing. If any of the above (or any other matters of concern) are found to be in the area no work will commence until the relevant local Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation has been consulted.